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September, 2023

Garlock Europe supports Isar Pyrolis, an innovative startup aiming to convert plastic waste into valuable raw material with a modular pyrolysis reactor.

Elias Hasel and the application engineers at Garlock GmbH in Neuss, Germany have known each other for quite some time. The relationship began when Hasel was developing his first pyrolysis reactor system in an empty driving silo on his grandparents’ farm. Hasel’s idea to thermally convert plastic waste into raw material had encountered a sealing problem. Read more here…

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July 1, 2023

We are now a new member of the Center XL Assembly

Center XL Assembly researchs, implements, and tests innovative technologies and approaches to realize this vision and create sustainable assembly systems for their enrolled members. Research partners from the RWTH Aachen Campus include the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering WZL of RWTH Aachen University and the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT. We are looking forward to this cooperation. Find more information here:

December 12, 2022

Garlock’s innovative POWERPACK packing solutions: The problem solver in Molten Salt applications of solar power plants.

For operators of solar power plants, leakages and failures, as well as particularly short service lives of stuffing box packings, especially in the tower, are a frequent concern. Two recent cases studies show that Garlock POWERPACK, as a solution optimally tailored to the requirements, can provide a remedy quickly.

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December 7, 2022

Garlock Germany media workshop appears in scientific publication of a respected publisher.

“Operational media workshops as enablers of digital transformation” (translated from German) – this is the title of the chapter in the book “Digital Chemical Industry” (translated from German) in which the Garlock media workshop is presented as a pioneer use case for the chemical industry.

Holger Hamann, Director Lean and Production at Garlock GmbH, together with Dr. Frank Hees, Prof. Dr. Ingrid Isenhardt and Dr. Nina Schiffler from RWTH Aachen University, Chair of Information Management in Mechanical Engineering (IMA), prepared this chapter for the Wiley-VCH publishing house. A renowned specialist publisher whose program covers many areas of the natural sciences. Editor of the book is Prof. Dr. Carsten Suntrop.

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Falkenweg 1
41468 Neuss
+49 2131 349-0
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